
Friday, June 22, 2012

Which type of credit card loyalty reward program should I apply for?

The question of whether or not to apply for a credit card with a rewards program of loyalty seems to be a no-brainer these days. Over 90% of us do. However, deciding what kind of loyalty program suits your needs best reward is much more difficult. So what kind of loyalty reward program should apply?

The different types

Although it may seem that there are many different types of credit card systems, loyalty reward available in the UK, the choice basically is divided into two categories: a rebate of money or a product based on program reward loyalty.

Cash credit card networks of loyalty

Reward programs cash back are very popular with UK users of credit cards. However, you must be very careful before deciding whether or not to apply for a cash back program, as this type of reward program does not fit all users of credit cards in the UK.

6 out of 10 users of credit cards in the UK will lead to some or all of your balance on your credit card at the end of each reporting period of the credit card. If you happen to fall into this category of credit card users, sometimes known as a credit card provider, and then have a cash back loyalty program is unlikely to be in your best interest.

The reason why this is the case because the interest and fees will be charged on your balance will almost certainly be much more than the amount you can claim on cash back rewards. However, if the minority 4 in 10 users of credit cards in the UK, do not pay your debt in full on the date of declaration of the credit card, then a cash back reward program could be just the ticket you are looking for.

Product based on loyalty programs reward-

For the better part of a loyalty program based on the product payoff is probably the best reward scheme that could apply. This is especially true if there is a store or product in particular that we like being offered a UK credit card loyalty reward system.

However, even here, if you carry over a balance each month on your credit card you must recognize that you are not getting something for nothing and your loyalty program is harder than you might get if you just pay cash!

0% credit card

By far the best credit card loyalty program credit card 0%. It may sound strange, but if you are a provider of credit card interest charges t will save over a period of time in a credit card of 0% will far exceed air miles that can be derived or any return of money he can get.

Therefore, before giving too much importance to the schema type of credit card loyalty rewards should have, but their own interests and think about the card that has the lowest rate of interest - because unless you are paying their credit card debt in full each month, it is likely that this will be the best reward you can get. In fact, the money you can save is likely to buy everything I wanted to get into any other type of reward program credit card several times.


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